Archives for the month of: July, 2013



I made the front page of the Emerald Empire Living Section of the Sunday Paper when I was 6 years old!  I’ve done my best to stay out of the paper ever since.


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Everybody is keeping an eye on Bob while he carves the turkey!  I’m pretty sure this is 1977, and we are all in Springfield.

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Thanksgiving at Bob and Carolyn’s always included lots of games.  I recall the one above involving cutting off the top of the bag another inch after each round, making you lean farther over.  Mom seems to have the hang of it, even wearing heels!  That Kienow’s bag would be worth something on Antiques Road Show now, if Carolyn hadn’t made us cut it.

Grandma is playing charades, not reenacting some Swedish folk dance.


img489Dad is also playing charades, but he could be channeling a charismatic preacher!

img497Everyone seems fascinated by Mark’s new watch,  Dad and Reba especially!  Thelma maybe less so, but not by much.


Mark at Battery Russell at Fort Stevens.  I’m not sure of the date.

img450Waiting for the seals to surface.  Andrea spots one!

img449I think she’s secretly having a good time!

Summer of 1999




If you are going to hike up Cascade Head, you’ll need a good breakfast!


It’s important to stay single file up the trail.  Andrea leads the pack, with Molly and Jane following.


You didn’t tell us it was so far! (view, what view?)


Andrea, Japan is out there!


Jane gets a well deserved rest


img452You can see Lincoln City from here!

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Andrea, Summer 1999

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Molly and Loraine making music.  Summer of 1999.